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Located on Shady Maple Dr in Iron River, trail access near by.
Fully furnished, sleeps 6.

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Located 100 yards from the Tri-County Corridor on Topside Rd in Iron River.
Fully furnished, sleeps 8.

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Trail Report for Monday March 3, 2025

All winter trails are closed for the season. Thanks to the club members and volunteers for making the best of the short season we had.
The Tri-County Corridor remains open year round from Superior to Ashland.
See the Douglas County Forestry Department for more information on trails.

For trail updates anytime, please call the Douglas County 24/7 Trail Hotline at (715) 378-4528, visit the Department’s webpage at Or find us on Facebook.



Click here to view Douglas County's weekly trail conditions update!

The Brule River Riders Snowmobile Club is responsible for the following trails in the northeast Douglas County:

Trail 1 in the Brule State Forest from Trail 2 (Tri County Corridor) north five miles to the Brule River.
Trail 2 (Tri County Corridor) Brule to Superior.
Trail 2 B from Trail 2 to Barkers Island.
Trail 4 from Brule to Trail 41 (Warming Shelter)
Trail 6 thru Lake Nebagamon.
Trail 24 from Poplar to Trail 4.
Trails 27 and 27A in the Brule River State Forest, from Brule to Lake St. Croix near Solon Springs. Along with connectors to Bayfield County                  Trails 18 and B 24.
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail)  from north trail head to Trail 4 East. (northern 18 miles)
Trail 235 between Trail 2 (Tri-County Corridor) and Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail).
Trail 635 between Lake Nebagamon and Lake Minnesuing. A non funded trail connecting the two lakes.


During Summer months we maintain the northern 18 miles of Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail) and most of the maintenance on Trail 2 (Tri County Corridor) from Brule to Superior.

The Brule River Riders Snowmobile club is the proud owner of 4 trail groomers.
1 - 2000 New Holland Sur-Trac.
1 - 2011 John Deere 6430 4WD tractor equipped with Soucy Tracks.
1 - 2017 John Deere 6130R 4WD with Soucy Tracks.
1 - 2021 John Deere 6130R 4WD tractor.
Along with a variety of mowers and graders.